Clone of Grow


CLC is proud to demonstrate faith in action and to help make Christ known through activities both in the church and community. Intergenerational relationships are developed through outreach and activities specific to family, fun, faith, and fellowship. Educational programs for all help us to grow closer to one another, our community, and our faith.

Adult Education

  • Adult Forum — Sundays at 9:30 a.m. (Labor Day through late May)
  • Lenten Wednesday Education - 5:30 p.m. during the season of Lent
  • Pre-Marital Education
  • Small Groups

Youth Ministries

Readiness-Based Confirmation

  • Open to any youth in grades 4-9 whom the parents and ministers deem ready to begin instruction.
  • Four units of study: Old Testament, New Testaments, Sacraments (Holy Baptism & Holy Communion), Catechism
  • Three sessions of classes throughout the year:  Six Sunday afternoons in the fall, six Wednesday evenings leading up to Ash Wednesday, one weeklong intensive from 9 am-noon daily in the summer.
  • Volunteer hours and final project

Children Ministries

  • Cradle Roll - birth through 36 months
  • Godly Play — Our Sunday morning children's ministry (Pre-K--5th grade)

Vacation Bible School (VBS)

July 13-17

Join us for our Rocky Railway adventure as we learn how Jesus' power pulls us through!  Every day, we will try out science experiments in the Imagination Station, play Loco Motion games, dive into some Bible stories, have fun at the Chew Chew snack station, and sing songs about God's love.  Climb aboard daily from 9 am to Noon.

Get ready for our journey aboard the Rocky Railway by learning some of the songs we'll sing during our time together:

Invite your friends to this FREE Bible School experience.  Preschool* through 5th grade students (as of fall 2022) are welcome to attend.  We hope to see you there!

*All children must be potty trained to attend VBS.

Contact Deacon Laura Gorton to register your student for VBS.